
My photo
Well, what to say about me. I'm a freelance digital artist, who thinks that he'll one day produce a webcomic. I'm currently occupied keeping family members alive and well, I have asperitions to one day become a writer-so I've got a lot of balls in the air there, don't I?

Thursday 14 April 2011

A hell of a lot of Shit

not only have I had about as crappy a couple of months as possible, I've not had the energy or time to do anything from reading to drawing. In my local area of the UK there's been this vomiting-diarrhea bug going around and just as a family member is rushed to hospital, I catch it, the family member comes out and catches it, then is rushed back in (he's 90) as I'm getting over the bug my mum gets it, I catch it back off her while she's recouping and I spend a further three days throwing up every thee quarters of an hour. This along with a multi-gym I bought that arrived one day before this shitstorm started stood untouched and unassembled for about a week, then when I was getting over this I start and the fucking thing has a crappy welded piece in it that I had to wait a week to get(lucky kinda, seeing as I was sick at the time) then, FINALLY things start relaxing and I am cooking, a accident with some veg fat and my arm gets scolded and that wonderful image is what it's looked like, still unable to do much. (if you've not guessed, I'm a lefty).

Friday 18 March 2011

First Ten Chapters - The Eye of the World

god did I forget how much forshadowing there is in this books opening, from little hints to some big world history, I'm surprised it's not taking longer, as I always tell people that after Chapter 19 things get really going, and - IMO- after that it gets really good. So, that's about it.

Wednesday 23 February 2011

The Wheel Of Time Re-Read EOTW

Yep, I'm giving into the whole to-do with the re-readers of the series. But DAMN! No bloody release this year.
Ah well, It'll do me some good to re-read the whole series, at least it'll be better than the crap they've got on the TV.